Berkeley Women of the Year Awards, Applied Business Analytics

October 30, 2019

University of California, Berkeley


Become a Sponsor

Fisher Center Individual Donor

Your donation will support the aiai initiative to increase diversity in business analytics by providing education, internship placement, and job opportunities for women and minorities. Become one of the first contributors to the Alliance for Inclusive AI (aiai) initiative – help women and underrepresented minorities to gain traction in the field of AI and analytics.


Fisher Center Summit Corporate Sponsorship

Your sponsorship will help support the summit and our aiai initiative to increase diversity in business analytics by providing education, internship placement, and job opportunities for women and minorities. Become one of the first contributors to the Alliance for Inclusive AI (aiai) initiative – help women and underrepresented minorities to gain traction in the field of AI and analytics.

Sponsor an aiai trainee!

Each aiai trainee receives a complimentary attendance to summit, including travel expenses, accommodation, food and incidentals. Trainees will also have access to learning events such as the summit and networking, internship, and job opportunities.


Support the aiai Initiative

Interested in becoming a founding member of aiai?
Sign-up for an annual sponsorship and become one of our founding members

Support the Alliance Initiative

Your donation supports a woman or minorities AI development journey.

They will receive education, access to events, mentorship and career support. Your donation supports your team’s AI development journey and embodying of inclusion. Your team will receive access to event and training and be directly involved in inclusive workshops. Become part of our Inclusion and Diversity in Analytics and AI initiatives