Applicants will need to

  1. Record a three-minutes video to present themselves and their projects according to the evaluation grids
  2. Upload the video on their Google Drive (find help here)
  3. Share a link to the file (find help here) in their application on the website


Important dates

The applications will open on December 7th, 2020.

The applications will be closed on February 15th, 2021.


Process of evaluation

All laureates and projects will have to demonstrate the values of relevant, ethical, impactful, and humane analytics.

The applications will be reviewed by the Assessment Committee to ensure candidates have met the awards’ requirements and criteria. After February 15th, the eligible applications will be shared with the awards jury for evaluation.

The jury will use the evaluation grids to evaluate the applications. The results will be announced prior to the ceremony to the awards winners. There will be one winner per award.

The winners will receive an honorific Crystal Bear. The winners will make a speech during the ceremony and will have their interviews posted online by UC Berkeley.