Smart Village Movement
What is a Smart Village?

A community empowered by digital technologies & open innovation platforms to access global markets
More than 3.4 billion rural people in the world do not have access to global markets. The Smart Village Movement works with governments, global corporations and universities to enable rural people to provide for themselves through entrepreneurship, job training and open innovation platforms.
An Ecosystem
The village leverages its own resources as well as those of surrounding villages, distant places and entities to generate revenue and lower its costs and risk.
A Brand
The village creates an identity to be known for something of value that is unique.
A Business Model
A village creates value for its people and others outside its ecosystem by utilizing lean and cost-effective state-of-the-art technologies and captures some of that value for itself.
An Economic Development Platform
The village allows many external businesses to access its resources to profit from them – win-win.
A Community
Self-organized networks of people who collaborate by sharing ideas, information, and resources can build a strong ecosystem – when all else fails the community remains to rebuild itself.
A Sustainable Unit
The village generates triple bottom line: a) people b) profit and c) planet
Participating Firms

Participating Institutions